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Hands in the triad,
hearts around the world.

Helping Hands

Triad Pediatrics Foundation exists to support missions efforts both locally and globally. John Piper in his book, Let the Nations Be Glad, says that missions exists because worship doesn’t. Sadly, there are still unengaged and unreached people groups with little or no access to the gospel. Our aim is allow healthcare to serve as a platform to get the gospel to peoples and places that need the healing and hope found only in Jesus Christ. 

Our primary goal will always be to provide the best, most compassionate care possible to everyone we have the privilege to serve. We do this because we believe that every person on this planet was made in the image of God and is important to Him... important enough that He sent His own son, Jesus, to stand in our place on the cross and pay our penalty for breaking God’s law. This is truly great news, and we want to share it with everyone we can, both in what we say and what we do. Perhaps you and your family do not share our beliefs. You can rest assured that we will care for everyone like they were our own family regardless. We just want you to know why we are here.

Old Globe

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